Horse Share Agreement Bhs

If you`re looking to share a horse with someone else, it`s important to have a clear and comprehensive agreement in place. The British Horse Society (BHS) provides guidance on horse share agreements and offers a template agreement that can be used as a starting point.

The BHS horse share agreement covers a range of important issues, including the responsibilities of each party, the financial arrangements, and how the horse`s welfare will be maintained. By following the guidelines set out in the agreement, you can ensure that the horse share arrangement is as fair, transparent, and successful as possible.

One of the key aspects of the BHS horse share agreement is the division of responsibilities between the sharers. This includes things like who will be responsible for feeding, mucking out, and exercising the horse, as well as who will be responsible for veterinary bills, insurance, and other costs. It`s important that these responsibilities are clearly defined from the outset to avoid any disputes or misunderstandings later on.

Another important aspect of the agreement is the financial arrangements. This includes things like how much each sharer will contribute to the horse`s upkeep, as well as how any unexpected costs will be dealt with. It`s important to be realistic about the costs involved in horse ownership and to ensure that both parties are able to meet their financial obligations.

Finally, the BHS horse share agreement also covers issues related to the horse`s welfare. This includes things like how the horse will be cared for in the event of an emergency, who will make decisions about the horse`s health and well-being, and how any disagreements will be resolved. By ensuring that the horse`s welfare is a top priority, both sharers can work together to provide the best possible care for the horse.

Overall, the BHS horse share agreement provides a useful framework for those looking to share a horse with someone else. By following the guidelines set out in the agreement and ensuring that both parties are clear about their responsibilities and obligations, you can create a successful and rewarding horse share arrangement. So if you`re considering sharing a horse with someone else, be sure to use the BHS horse share agreement as a starting point.